Merging expressive cartoon network-esque illustrations with beautiful black and white photographs of Brooklyn, this funny story tells how Trixie and Knuffel Bunny's trip to the laundromat with Dad goes terribly wrong when Trixie realizes some bunny's been left behind...! Her attempts to alert Dad all the way home are unsuccessful, until Mum points out that Knuffel Bunny is missing and the family hotfoot it back to the laundromat. Fortunately, KB is safe, if a little wet...
아직 말을 못하는 꼬마 Trixie가 아빠와 함께 빨래방에 다녀옵니다. 그런데 소중한 Knuffle Bunny가 보이지 않네요. Trixie는 손짓, 발짓, 온갖 소리로 Knuffle Bunny가 없어졌다고 알리는데 아빠는 알아채지 못합니다. Trixie가 Knuffle Bunny를 찾을 수 있을까요?